August 11, 2013

Danish Sausages and Atlantic Air

AH! I have officially arrived to the Faroe Islands after many exhausting hours of travel. Part of my flight schedule meant having to sit in the Copenhagen airport for 7 hours to wait for the plane to take me to the Faroe's. Abby - who I had flown from Minneapolis to Copenhagen with - had to catch a plane to her host town in Denmark around the same time. We were both thinking we had to sit in the airport for hours and hours, with Copenhagen just out of our reach only 10 minutes away! 

I was very fortunate to be emailing my Rotary counselor in the Faroe's, Mirjam, who's mother-in-law was in downtown Copenhagen! She rode the train to the airport, picked us up, and the three of us spent three hours walking around Copenhagen (with our carry-on luggage, of course...). Mirjam's mother-in-law's name was Henni - such a sweet lady! She bought us Danish sausages, showed us the Queen's castle, took us by the riverboats and street vendors, and introduced us to her granddaughter  We had a lovely time. It turns out that she lives not too far from my house! 

A traditional Danish sausage! 

One of the Queen's guards

Copenhagen by the canal!

I can't begin to describe how many bike's there were!

After our adventure out in Copenhagen, Henni returned us to the airport and I got ready to bored my Atlantic Airway's flight to the FAROE ISLANDS! By this time... I was exhausted. I caught myself falling asleep with my mouth open while waiting to board to plane. When it was time to board, a woman with a pink rain jacket and a Scandinavian accent said on the phone, "Yes, yes, now back to the cold Faroe's!" I caught myself smiling a little - I really don't like 90 degree weather. I struggled to keep my eye's open during the two hour flight, but I do remember that the meal was salmon. :) Yay! Once I felt the plane descending, I instantly sat up and grabbed my camera out of my backpack. 

I just about cried tears of joy when I saw this. 

It was a shockingly smooth flight and landing into Vagar. I waited for my luggage, and my host family (minus the second sister, who will be coming home shortly) was waiting for me after the baggage claim with some much needed hugs. The drive home took about 45 minutes, and I'm fairly certain my jaw was dropped in awe the whole time. What a beautiful country! I'm so lucky. 

I don't have much time, but more pictures and stories to come about my first night and day with my host  family.


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